The latest on-premises version is Microsoft Project Server 2019. Microsoft Project Server trial version and Project Online The partner can explain the various options for Project Server and Project Online before testing begins, thereby helping to ensure more detailed and meaningful test results. Microsoft recommends, however, that you contact a certified Microsoft Partner to assist you with the test. A download link for the trial version of Project Server is shown below. Microsoft Project Server has been included with SharePoint Server since version 2016 and can be activated after purchasing a license. The links below are for the purchasable version. You have the opportunity to test the cloud tools, and the subscriptions can be terminated on a monthly basis. Microsoft no longer offers downloads of the obsolete trial versions of Microsoft Project Clients (Standard and Professional) for versions 2010, 2013, and 2016. The cloud version is continuously updated.

The latest version for the local on-premises installation is version 2019.

Here you’ll find links to download the client, server, and online versions of Microsoft Project. Please add us to your whitelist to enable the website to function properly.MS Project Client and Project Server Test / Downloads Some links in the article may not be viewable as you are using an AdBlocker. If you get excited about trying new software and don’t mind a bump in the road here and there, download the Office 2016 Preview today. You can download a trial version of Visio 2016 Preview from the list of choices below.